The phlebitis in the leg

Definition A phlebitis of the leg is an inflammation limited to a certain section of the vein. The wall of the venous blood vessel is usually the point of attack for the human immune system that causes the inflammation. A distinction is made between inflammation of the superficial leg veins and inflammation of the deeper … The phlebitis in the leg

Duration of phlebitis

Introduction An inflammation of the veins (thrombophlebitis) describes the inflammation of the venous blood vessels. This inflammation can occur in the superficial veins as well as in the deeper lying veins. Depending on which vein is affected and which other symptoms accompany the inflammation, the duration of the disease can range from a few days … Duration of phlebitis

As long as the pain of phlebitis lasts | Duration of phlebitis

As long as the pain of phlebitis lasts A phlebitis often leads to severe pain because the vein wall is irritated. To improve the pain as quickly as possible, various painkillers can be administered. Anti-inflammatory painkillers, such as ibuprofen, are particularly suitable for treatment. However, these should only be used for a few days and … As long as the pain of phlebitis lasts | Duration of phlebitis

How can the duration of the phlebitis be shortened? | Duration of phlebitis

How can the duration of the phlebitis be shortened? There are many different factors with which the duration of a phlebitis can be positively influenced. Basically it can be said that the earlier medical treatment is started and the fewer complications occur, the shorter the duration of the disease is usually. Depending on the type … How can the duration of the phlebitis be shortened? | Duration of phlebitis

Phlebitis in the thigh

Definition – What is phlebitis in the thigh? An inflammation of the veins in the thigh is not uncommon and describes an inflammation of the superficial veins, or more precisely their vascular wall. Such inflammation is usually accompanied by redness, hardening of the vein and pain. The cause of such inflammation can be diverse. In … Phlebitis in the thigh

These are the symptoms I recognize as phlebitis of the thigh | Phlebitis in the thigh

These are the symptoms I recognize as phlebitis of the thigh The symptom spectrum of a phlebitis on the thigh is usually very specific for this disease. For example, the vein is clearly swollen and palpates roughly. In most cases, the swelling causes it to rise above the normal skin level. In addition, a distinct … These are the symptoms I recognize as phlebitis of the thigh | Phlebitis in the thigh