Chorea Huntington

Synonyms in a broader sense English: Huntington’s disease, Chorea major. – St. Vitus Dance (vulg.) – Huntington’s disease Definiton Hereditary disease that leads to the destruction of brain cells in certain brain regions of the unconscious holding and supporting motor functions. The disease usually occurs between the ages of 35 and 50 and manifests itself … Chorea Huntington

What is the course of the disease? | Chorea Huntington

What is the course of the disease? Chorea Huntington is a chronically progressive neurodegenerative disease. This means that it usually progresses slowly but continuously, destroying the nerves and ultimately leading to the patient’s death. The disease is characterized by mental abnormalities and movement disorders. In the initial stage, unwanted movements (hyperkinesia) usually occur more frequently. … What is the course of the disease? | Chorea Huntington

What are the causes of Huntington’s disease? | Chorea Huntington

What are the causes of Huntington’s disease? Chorea Huntington is a genetic disease. It’s caused by a genetic defect. The protein that causes the disease is called huntingtin. The gene coding for it is located on the short arm of chromosome 4. The mutation of the huntingtin protein causes the death of special nerve cells … What are the causes of Huntington’s disease? | Chorea Huntington

Therapy: | Chorea Huntington

Therapy: A therapy for the cause of Huntington’s disease is currently not possible. The excessive movement disorders can be suppressed with medication. Under certain circumstances, accompanying psychotherapy or joining a self-help group can help patients to process the knowledge about the disease. Dementia In addition to the classic movement disorders, Huntington’s disease also causes psychological … Therapy: | Chorea Huntington

Tourette’s syndrome

Synonyms in a broader sense Medical: Myospasia impulsiva Gilles de la Tourette’s syndrome Tourette’s disease/disorder Generalized tic disease with motor and vocal tics Tourette’s syndrome is a neurological-psychiatric disorder characterized by muscular (motor) and linguistic (vocal) tics, which do not necessarily occur simultaneously. Tourette’s syndrome is often associated with behavioural disorders. Tics are simple or … Tourette’s syndrome


Tics, tic syndrome, tic disorder, Tourette’s syndromeTics are simple or complex, sudden, short-lived, involuntary or semi-autonomous movements (motor tic) or sounds (vocal tic). With an internally growing tension they can be suppressed for a short time. Patients perceive the tics as an inner compulsion and often feel discomfort in the corresponding body region, which is … Tics