Numbness in the arm

Normally, our nerves continuously transmit information from the whole body to the brain. If some information, for example about touch and pain, cannot be transmitted, we have a numbness in the affected area. This means that either a strange feeling is present throughout or a touch on the arm cannot be perceived as such. An … Numbness in the arm

The numbness on the tongue

Introduction A numbness on the tongue describes a sensory disorder. The sensory stimuli are perceived in a different way. The numbness is caused by irritation or damage to the nerves. Furthermore, damage to specific areas of the brain can also cause a sensory disorder. Usually the numbness disappears after a few days. However, if the … The numbness on the tongue

Other accompanying symptoms | The numbness on the tongue

Other accompanying symptoms Depending on the underlying disease, different symptoms can occur. In the case of a stroke, symptoms such as speech and vision problems are common. Paralysis or sensory disturbances in other areas also occur frequently. In the case of multiple sclerosis, patients suffer from numbness in other areas and visual disturbances. Chronic folic … Other accompanying symptoms | The numbness on the tongue

Numbness of the head or scalp

Definition A numbness on the head or scalp is a sensory disorder in this area. The medical term for this clinical picture is hypaesthesia. The feeling in the corresponding skin areas is reduced. Sometimes an unpleasant tingling sensation also occurs. It is comparable to the sensitivity disorder after an injection at the dentist. Often the … Numbness of the head or scalp

Numbness in the hand

Definition A numbness in the hand is a sensory disorder caused by a disturbed information transmission of the nerves. This disorder is caused by damage or irritation of the nerves that supply the hand. A numbness can also feel furry or like “ant walking”. In some cases, sensory disturbances can also be accompanied by sensory … Numbness in the hand