Other accompanying symptoms | The numbness on the tongue

Other accompanying symptoms

Depending on the underlying disease, different symptoms can occur. In the case of a stroke, symptoms such as speech and vision problems are common. Paralysis or sensory disturbances in other areas also occur frequently.

In the case of multiple sclerosis, patients suffer from numbness in other areas and visual disturbances. Chronic folic acid deficiency leads to anemia, which in turn leads to dizziness, tiredness and lack of concentration. Digestive problems can also occur.

Pain can occur as an accompanying symptom. Especially patients suffering from trigeminal neuralgia describe pain attacks and loss of sensitivity in the face. The pain is very strong and feels sharp or even burning.

Furthermore, pain can occur in the context of multiple sclerosis or after a stroke. In these diseases areas of the brain are disturbed, which is why the pain processing is also altered.Furthermore, pain can also occur after wisdom tooth surgery. The surgical procedure damages the tissue and irritates surrounding nerves.

The diagnosis

First of all, the attending physician should take a detailed anamnesis (recording of the medical history). Here the chronological course and the accompanying symptoms are particularly important. An acute event with paralysis, speech and vision disorders can indicate a stroke and must be clarified immediately.

For this purpose, a CT of the skull is necessary. A physical examination should also be performed. The accompanying symptoms should be recorded precisely. The doctor can then make a diagnosis or, if uncertain, refer you to a neurologist.

The treatment

The treatment depends on the underlying disease. If numbness develops after tooth surgery, the body needs time to regenerate. The nerves are temporarily irritated by the operation and the conduction anesthesia.

However, if the symptoms do not improve and the numbness persists, a doctor should be consulted again. In case of a stroke, the patient should be admitted to a clinic with a stroke unit. There, special therapy measures are initiated.

Among other things, the so-called lysis therapy is carried out there. It is intended to dissolve the blood clot and free the blocked vessel. In this way, the blood circulation is to be guaranteed.

If a chronic folic acid deficiency is suspected, the level in the blood should be examined. If a deficiency is suspected, folic acid should be substituted. The correct dosage should be determined by the treating doctor. Furthermore, affected patients can pay attention to their diet. Foods such as spinach, broccoli or eggs are good sources of folic acid.