Red spots in the throat of children | Red spots in the throat

Red spots in the throat of children

Red spots in the throat can have various causes, especially in children. The most common diseases that lead to red spots in the throat include uncomplicated inflammation of the nasopharynx and scarlet fever. Scarlet fever is probably one of the most contagious infectious diseases and can take a dangerous course in children.

For this reason, children who have red spots in their throat should urgently consult a pediatrician as soon as possible. Since the pathogens that cause scarlet fever are streptococci, the diagnosis can be made using a special throat swab. In addition, an initial suspicion of scarlet fever in children can be made during the clinical examination.

In children, the infection usually manifests itself by the sudden onset of sore throat, cough and fever. Only in the further course of the disease can red spots in the throat, which may even be festering, be detected. In addition, affected children typically have a conspicuous skin rash that starts in the armpit area and then spreads throughout the entire body.

Scarlet salmon in children is treated by administering an antibiotic. If the diagnosis is made promptly and antibiotic treatment is initiated quickly, the prognosis is very good. However, children suffering from scarlet fever are not allowed to attend public institutions such as kindergarten or school until they are completely cured. The reason for this is that scarlet fever is a highly contagious disease.