Zinc: Supply Situation

In the National Nutrition Survey II (NVS II, 2008), the dietary behavior of the population was investigated for Germany and it was shown how this affects the average daily nutrient intake with macro- and micronutrients (vital substances). The intake recommendations (D-A-CH reference values) of the German Nutrition Society (DGE) are used as the basis for … Zinc: Supply Situation

Zinc: Intake

The intake recommendations (D-A-CH reference values) of the German Nutrition Society (DGE) presented below are aimed at healthy people of normal weight. They do not refer to the supply of sick and convalescent people. Individual requirements may therefore be higher than the DGE recommendations (e.g. due to diet, consumption of stimulants, long-term medication, etc.). Furthermore, … Zinc: Intake

Zinc: Safety Assessment

The European food safety authority (EFSA) last evaluated vitamins and minerals for safety in 2006 and set a so-called Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for each micronutrient, provided sufficient data were available. This UL reflects the maximum safe level of a micronutrient that will not cause adverse effects when taken daily from all sources for … Zinc: Safety Assessment

Zinc: Functions

Zinc-dependent enzyme functions Zinc is one of the most important trace elements due to its ubiquitous participation in the most diverse biological reactions. The essential vital element is a component or cofactor of more than 200 enzymes and proteins known to date. Zinc is relevant for the configuration of non-enzymatic proteins and fulfills structural, regulatory … Zinc: Functions

Zinc: Interactions

Interactions of zinc with other micronutrients (vital substances): Folic acid The relationship between folic acid and zinc is controversial: Folate bioavailability may be increased by a zinc-dependent enzyme. In some studies, it was clear that low zinc intake decreased folate absorption; other studies show that supplemental folic acid impaired zinc utilization in individuals with low … Zinc: Interactions

Zinc: Symptoms of Deficiency

The signs of severe zinc deficiency are Impaired growth and development Delay in sexual maturation Skin rashes Severe chronic diarrhea (diarrhea) Disruption of the immune system Wound healing disorders Loss of appetite Disturbances in the sensation of taste Night blindness Cataract swelling and clouding of the cornea of the eyes Mental disorders Apparently, even a … Zinc: Symptoms of Deficiency