Risk of infection | Prohibited foods during pregnancy

Risk of infection The most common reason why many foods should be avoided by pregnant women is the associated risk of infection. Almost all uncooked and unwashed food can contain pathogens and is prohibited for pregnant women. For an adult, most of them are hardly dangerous, because the mature immune system can usually fight them … Risk of infection | Prohibited foods during pregnancy

Pain in labour

What is labor pains? The pain during labor is also called labor pains. Pain during labor feels different depending on the intensity and frequency, as well as the type of contractions. Contractions occur not only immediately before and during birth, but already from the 20th week of pregnancy. These pregnancy contractions usually have only a … Pain in labour

The contractions “breathe” | Pain in labour

The contractions “breathe” Breathing is an important way to relieve and control labor pains at birth. Correct breathing can be practiced before the birth. One should pay attention to deep, even breaths. The consequences are dizziness, nausea and a reduced supply of oxygen. The panting that was often recommended in the past should also be … The contractions “breathe” | Pain in labour

Associated symptoms | Breast pulling during pregnancy

Associated symptoms In addition to pulling into the breast, swelling and hardening of the mammary gland can also occur. The entire breast can also swell. In this combination, the cause of the complaints is usually the pregnancy that is taking place and the complaints are hormonal in nature. There are some accompanying symptoms that can … Associated symptoms | Breast pulling during pregnancy

Are chest pains dangerous during pregnancy? | Breast pulling during pregnancy

Are chest pains dangerous during pregnancy? As a rule, pulling the breast during pregnancy is not dangerous. The prerequisite is that no heart disease triggers the complaints. In most cases, the pulling pain in the breast during pregnancy is caused by a change in the body on a hormonal level. The breast is also prepared … Are chest pains dangerous during pregnancy? | Breast pulling during pregnancy