Are vitamins really necessary? | Vitamins during pregnancy

Are vitamins really necessary? The additional requirement of most vitamins during pregnancy can be covered by a healthy diet with sufficient fruit and vegetables. Wholemeal products should also be eaten to cover the requirement of vitamin B. Apart from the additional intake of folic acid and possibly iodine, vitamin preparations are usually not necessary. However, … Are vitamins really necessary? | Vitamins during pregnancy

What are the signs of iron deficiency? | Iron deficiency during pregnancy

What are the signs of iron deficiency? The first signs of iron deficiency are often difficult to distinguish from general changes in pregnancy. Most complaints are caused by the fact that less blood pigment can be produced. This is normally responsible for the transport of oxygen in the blood. So if it is restricted by … What are the signs of iron deficiency? | Iron deficiency during pregnancy

Associated symptoms | Iron deficiency during pregnancy

Associated symptoms Accompanying symptoms of iron deficiency during pregnancy are the consequences of reduced blood formation. Since less oxygen can be transported, the heart has to beat faster, which is noticeable by palpitations. However, it is important to know that, despite a slight iron deficiency, the iron still available is initially passed on to the … Associated symptoms | Iron deficiency during pregnancy

Treatment of iron deficiency during pregnancy | Iron deficiency during pregnancy

Treatment of iron deficiency during pregnancy Whether an iron deficiency is treated during pregnancy must always be decided individually. A benefit-risk analysis must be carried out. This serves to be able to estimate whether a therapy with iron preparations brings a sufficient use, in order to outweigh possible risks. Particularly in the first trimester, one … Treatment of iron deficiency during pregnancy | Iron deficiency during pregnancy

Side effects of iron supplements | Iron deficiency during pregnancy

Side effects of iron supplements Not only a lack of iron can have a negative effect on the unborn child. Your doctor can clarify whether additional iron intake is necessary during pregnancy. In order to avoid excessive intake of iron preparations, this should always be discussed in advance to avoid overdose and unnecessary intake. Learn … Side effects of iron supplements | Iron deficiency during pregnancy

Fetal alcohol syndrome

Introduction The fetal alcohol syndrome belongs to the so-called embryo fetopathies. It is a group of diseases characterized by damage or malformation of the unborn child during pregnancy. In Germany, it is also the most common reason for a mental disability. Approximately every thousandth child is born in Germany with the signs of fetal alcohol … Fetal alcohol syndrome

Duration and prognosis of the FAS | Fetal alcohol syndrome

Duration and prognosis of the FAS Fetal alcohol syndrome, as is typical of syndromes, is an incurable condition. As described above, only some of the developmental delays can be made up for. Epidemiologically, it has been shown that people suffering from FAS have a shortened life expectancy. In later life, they will often be upset … Duration and prognosis of the FAS | Fetal alcohol syndrome

How should folic acid be dosed? | Folic acid during pregnancy

How should folic acid be dosed? A daily dose of 400 – 550 μg is recommended by doctors to prevent neural tube defects in children. Although this dose does not guarantee 100% protection, it significantly reduces the risk of neural tube defects. Should folic acid be taken if I want to get pregnant? Yes, in … How should folic acid be dosed? | Folic acid during pregnancy

What do folic acid preparations cost? | Folic acid during pregnancy

What do folic acid preparations cost? The cost range for folic acid preparations is very wide. Simple preparations from the drugstore are available for little money. With two or three euros, the need for the first month can already be covered. Of course, there are hardly any upper limits. Preparations that are produced especially for … What do folic acid preparations cost? | Folic acid during pregnancy

Vegan nutrition during pregnancy

Introduction Many vegan living women have also in the pregnancy the desire to remain faithful to their nourishing and life-style. Since a sufficient supply of the minerals and vitamins important for the pregnancy can be problematic in the context of a purely vegan nutrition, one should refrain from it. Otherwise, unrecognized and untreated deficiencies can … Vegan nutrition during pregnancy