These home remedies can help | What is the quickest way to get rid of a black eye?

These home remedies can help A bruise on the eye will resolve itself, but you can use proven home remedies to speed up the process.The most important and at the same time easiest household remedy is regular cooling of the affected area. Consistently carried out this procedure helps best and is possible without great effort. … These home remedies can help | What is the quickest way to get rid of a black eye?

Injury to the eye through radiation

General information So-called keratitis photoelectrica is an injury caused by UV rays, which leads to a loosening of the epithelial adhesion and tiny erosions of the cornea. Mostly this disease occurs after welding work without appropriate protective goggles or after staying at high altitudes, on glaciers etc. (injury of the eye by radiation). Symptoms The … Injury to the eye through radiation