Hormone Replacement Therapy: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can be used during a woman’s menopause and well beyond. This is the period when the ovaries gradually stop producing hormones and the body’s production of the hormones estrogen and progestin stops. Hormone replacement therapy is used, among other things, to relieve menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, loss of libido, sleep disturbances, and vaginal dryness.

What is hormone replacement therapy?

Hormone replacement therapy is intended to compensate for the lack of estrogen and progestin during a woman’s menopause, as well as during postmenopause. Hormone replacement therapy is intended to compensate for the lack of estrogen and progestin during a woman’s menopause, which occurs around the ages of 45 to 55, as well as during the period that follows (postmenopause). As hormone production falters during menopause, women often experience stressful biological changes that can be slowed by hormone replacement therapy. Hormone replacement therapy is administered either in the form of tablets, hormone patches or vaginal suppositories or vaginal creams and usually consists of a combination of estrogens and progestins. Hormone replacement therapy is not intended to recreate the previous hormone concentration in the body, but is intended to eliminate the symptoms caused by hormone deficiency.

Function, effect, and goals

Until ten years ago, hormone replacement therapy was considered the ideal solution to reduce menopausal symptoms. In the meantime, however, it has been proven that this therapy can also be associated with considerable dangers. Many women nevertheless take hormone replacement therapy, either because they suffer from severe menopausal symptoms or because they have been convinced that hormone replacement therapy can protect them from osteoporosis (decrease in bone density), heart attacks or depression. In fact, hormone replacement therapy results in far fewer symptoms such as sweating, loss of libido, and mood swings. Decreases in bone density have also been shown to slow during the course of this therapy. Hormone replacement therapy during and after menopause can also be used to achieve the cosmetic goal of preventing wrinkles and thus maintaining a rejuvenated appearance. Furthermore, the therapy is also used to reduce urinary tract infections. Before hormone replacement therapy is prescribed, a thorough gynecological examination is performed by the gynecologist and, in many cases, a blood test is used to determine hormone levels. The doctor then discusses the benefits and risks of hormone replacement therapy with the patient. Due to potential risks, it must be determined individually what the lowest effective dose is for each patient and for how long she should take the therapy. In women over 60, it is recommended that hormone replacement therapy no longer be used. The duration of treatment is considered to be an average of between 3 and five years, after which hormones are gradually reduced and then discontinued altogether. Hormone replacement therapy can be administered via various preparations. The dosages administered in the early years are now considered too high. Nowadays, doses are kept as low as possible to reduce risks and side effects. Hormone replacement therapy is often administered in tablet form. Vaginal dryness caused by hormone deficiency is usually treated not with tablets, but with a cream containing estrogens, which puts much less strain on the body than tablets. Meanwhile, there are also low-dose hormone patches that may also have fewer side effects.

Risks, side effects, and dangers

Recent studies show that the risks of hormone replacement therapy may be greater than its benefits. Apparently, patients treated with hormone replacement therapy are at greater risk of developing breast cancer, ovarian cancer, or having a heart attack than those women who do not receive hormone replacement therapy. It has also been shown that there is an increased risk with some pre-existing conditions such as obesity, atherosclerosis and hypertension. Furthermore, there is increased risk of having a heart attack, thrombosis, or gallbladder problems due to hormone replacement therapy.Under no circumstances should hormone replacement therapy be used to treat a hormone-dependent tumor, such as breast cancer or uterine cancer. Treatment of osteoporosis by hormone replacement therapy should only be carried out if there is already a high risk of fracture of the bones and other drugs are out of the question. From all this, it can be concluded that the benefits and risks must be thoroughly considered before starting hormone replacement therapy. In some circumstances, well-considered, time-limited hormone replacement therapy can be used for severe menopausal symptoms.