Talus fracture

The talus (talus) is part of the tarsus (tarsus) along with the calcaneus (heel bone), os naviculare (scaphoid bone), ossa cuneiformia (sphenoid bone) and os cuboidem (cuboid bone). The talus forms with its upper side, the trochlea tali (joint roll), a part of the upper ankle joint. Since the talus bears the entire weight of … Talus fracture

Broken little toe

Introduction A broken little toe is a fracture, a fracture, in the little toe of the foot. It is one of the most common fractures in the area of the human forefoot. The little toe consists of a base phalanx, a middle phalanx and an end phalanx. Sometimes the middle phalanx and the end phalanx … Broken little toe

How is the broken toe diagnosed? | Broken little toe

How is the broken toe diagnosed? First the attending physician conducts a detailed discussion with the person concerned about the complaints and the course of the accident. Then the doctor examines the toe to get a first impression of the injury. While an open fracture is easily recognized by visible bone parts, the diagnosis may … How is the broken toe diagnosed? | Broken little toe