How is the broken toe diagnosed? | Broken little toe

How is the broken toe diagnosed?

First the attending physician conducts a detailed discussion with the person concerned about the complaints and the course of the accident. Then the doctor examines the toe to get a first impression of the injury. While an open fracture is easily recognized by visible bone parts, the diagnosis may be less obvious in the case of small fractures. As a rule, x-rays of the forefoot are taken after the examination to ensure the diagnosis of a broken little toe. You can find more information on diagnostic procedures at X-ray – Procedure and side effects

How long are you on sick leave?

The duration of the sick leave in case of a fracture of the little toe depends on the extent of the injury, the method of treatment and healing. A simple toe fracture usually heals very well and can be loaded again after about six weeks. A complicated, displaced fracture may require more complex treatment and may take longer to heal.On average, the patients are on sick leave for four to six weeks. For office work, earlier employment may be possible, while certain physical occupations require the little toe to heal completely and may require longer sick leave.

When can I do sports again?

After a fracture of the little toe, the toe should be protected for four to six weeks until the fracture has healed completely. Typically, adults are allowed to resume sports after six weeks. Children can start exercising again earlier, usually three to four weeks after the fracture. To make sure that the hernia is really healed, especially in children and adolescents, the doctor should be consulted before the person concerned starts to do sports again.