Compensation for pain and suffering | Sternal fracture

Compensation for pain and suffering The amount of compensation for sternal fractures always refers to the individual case and depends on the circumstances of the accident. Frequently, the cases involving compensation for pain and suffering due to a fractured sternum are traffic accidents. The compensation for pain and suffering is made up of various factors. … Compensation for pain and suffering | Sternal fracture

Classification of the femoral neck fracture | Femoral neck fracture diagnosis and therapy

Classification of the femoral neck fracture Femoral neck fractures can be classified according to three different schemes. There is the scheme according to Garden, the scheme according to Pauwels and the AO classification. In Germany, the AO classification is the most common. In the Garden classification, four degrees of severity are used, whereby the deviation … Classification of the femoral neck fracture | Femoral neck fracture diagnosis and therapy

Prophylaxis | Femoral neck fracture diagnosis and therapy

Prophylaxis In the prevention of femoral neck fractures, a healthy and conscious lifestyle with a balanced diet and sports is the main focus. Exercise strengthens the muscles and bones and there are fewer falls and fractures. A healthy diet is also important for the stability of the bone. For older patients, the prevention of falls … Prophylaxis | Femoral neck fracture diagnosis and therapy

Metatarsal fracture of the child | Symptoms of a metatarsal fracture

Metatarsal fracture of the child The symptoms of a metatarsal fracture in a child are usually no different from those of an adult. The main symptoms are pain, which can be caused by pressure, swelling and bruising in a child’s metatarsal fracture. In open fractures, one or more bone fragments pierce the skin. Depending on … Metatarsal fracture of the child | Symptoms of a metatarsal fracture

Orbital floor fracture

General An orbital floor fracture, also called “blow-out fracture”, is a fracture of the bone in which the eyeball (bulb) is located. It breaks at its weakest point, which is located on the floor, when external force is applied. Typically, such a fracture is caused by a fist blow or the impact of a hard … Orbital floor fracture

Outer ankle fracture

Fibular fracture, malleolar fracture, bimalleolar fracture, trimalleolar fracture, Weber fractures, fracture of the fibula, fracture of the external ankle, Definition Ankle fractures such as the outer ankle fracture are fractures of the ankle joint fork with varying degrees of pronounced fracture. Both the inner and the outer ankle can be affected. With 10% of fractures, … Outer ankle fracture