Consequences of the basal skull fracture

Prognosis The consequences of a skull base fracture depend on possible complications. The more of them occur, the worse the prognosis is. If there is no dislocation and the meninges remain intact (no liquor leakage), a basal skull fracture usually heals without permanent damage. A basal skull fracture can lead to consequences and complications if … Consequences of the basal skull fracture

Symptoms of skull base fracture

If there is a basal skull fracture, this can manifest itself as so-called liquorrhoea. This is the discharge of cerebrospinal fluid (liquor) from the nose or ear when the injury creates an open connection to the liquor-filled meninges surrounding the brain. In frontobasal skull base fractures, the cerebrospinal fluid usually emerges from the nose, whereas … Symptoms of skull base fracture

Complications | Therapy of the skull base fracture

Complications With regard to the possible complications, wound healing disorders caused by infections or repeated irritations should be mentioned above all.In rare cases, injury to vessels can also lead to secondary bleeding, which must then be stopped in a second treatment/operation. If, in the course of the skull base fracture, there was a co-participation of … Complications | Therapy of the skull base fracture

Therapy of the skull base fracture

Introduction The therapy of a skull base fracture depends mainly on the extent of damage to surrounding structures caused by the fracture. Not every basal skull fracture requires immediate surgery. However, there are some situations in which immediate intervention is necessary. The most important of these is open craniocerebral trauma, which is usually caused by … Therapy of the skull base fracture