With regard to the swelling, the following should be noted | Torn ligament at ankle joint

With regard to the swelling, the following should be noted Swelling is one of the main symptoms of torn ligaments in the ankle joint, along with bruising and ankle pain when walking. The main reason for this is the bleeding that results from the torn ligament. In addition, the swelling after a torn ligament also … With regard to the swelling, the following should be noted | Torn ligament at ankle joint

Stability through the use of a rail | Torn ligament at ankle joint

Stability through the use of a rail An important measure in the treatment of a torn ligament in the ankle joint is stabilisation and fixation so that the ligament can grow back together again and to ensure a physiological sequence of movements in the joint despite the torn ligament. In this case, a splint is … Stability through the use of a rail | Torn ligament at ankle joint

Torn ligament at the ankle joint in children | Torn ligament at ankle joint

Torn ligament at the ankle joint in children Even children are not spared from ankle injuries. The special feature of children, however, is that the ligament structures are much more stable than in adults. If the ankle joint is bent or another pathological movement at this joint, for example due to sporting activities or similar, … Torn ligament at the ankle joint in children | Torn ligament at ankle joint

Kinesiotape | Taping a torn ligament

Kinesiotape Kinesiologic tape is a special form of therapeutic tape. These are elastic, self-adhesive tape strips made of a stretchy material. Polyacrylate glue is used as the adhesive. The kinesiologic tape is applied to the skin using various taping techniques. Among other things, they are intended to release tensions, improve the microcirculation of the tissue … Kinesiotape | Taping a torn ligament