Therapy | Pain in the heel bone

Therapy The therapeutic approach to heel pain depends on the respective diagnosis and ranges from simple conservative measures (i.e. not surgical) to various operations. Plantar fasciitis In plantar fasciitis, stretching exercises of the thigh and calf muscles, as well as the sole of the foot, are suitable and should be learned at the beginning with … Therapy | Pain in the heel bone

Pain in the lateral heel

Definition Pain can occur in many places around the ankle and heel. Although the pain is often located in the lateral heel, its cause may be in the upper or lower ankle, calf, arch of the foot, ankle or metatarsus. The heel itself is a bony protrusion of the foot on which the person carries … Pain in the lateral heel

Associated symptoms | Pain in the lateral heel

Associated symptoms The accompanying symptoms can vary with the cause and thus provide valuable information about the underlying problem. In case of tingling and weakness in the foot, nerve damage should be considered. Acute swelling and redness often indicate a bruise, but local inflammation is also conceivable if other signs of inflammation such as overheating … Associated symptoms | Pain in the lateral heel