Shoulder Osteoarthritis (Omarthrosis): Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

The following symptoms and complaints may indicate omarthrosis (shoulder osteoarthritis): Leading symptoms At the beginning: diffuse omalgia (shoulder pain). Pain on exertion Limited mobility – initially the external rotation (rotational movement of an extremity around its longitudinal axis) is affected (is noticeable by obstructions, for example, hairdressing). Associated symptoms Start-up pain (in the morning after … Shoulder Osteoarthritis (Omarthrosis): Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

Shoulder Osteoarthritis (Omarthrosis): Causes

Pathogenesis (development of disease) Age-related wear and tear is not the cause of osteoarthritis; rather, acute damage to the articular cartilage from trauma or infection is usually at the beginning of joint destruction. Insufficient matrix synthesis and/or increased cell death of the chondrocytes (cartilage cells) are discussed as pathogenetic mechanisms. In osteoarthritis, the following pathomechanisms … Shoulder Osteoarthritis (Omarthrosis): Causes

Shoulder Osteoarthritis (Omarthrosis): Therapy

General measures Avoidance of: Overloading of the joints, e.g., by competitive and high-performance sports or long-lasting heavy physical loads, e.g., in the profession (construction workers, especially floor layers). Lack of physical activity, since the cartilage gets its micronutrients from the synovial fluid, it is dependent on the joint being moved Conventional non-surgical therapy methods Therapy … Shoulder Osteoarthritis (Omarthrosis): Therapy