Duration of incapacity to work | Duration of esophagitis

Duration of incapacity to work

A simple inflammation of the esophagus in the context of reflux esophagitis does not usually result in incapacity to work. If the inflammation is caused by trauma (swallowing of corrosive solutionsinjury of the mucous membrane by swallowing a foreign body), the duration of incapacity to work depends on how long the healing process takes. This can vary greatly, depending on the severity of the injury, 1-2 days or several weeks of sick leave may be necessary. In the case of oesophagitis caused by an infection, for example with fungal pathogens such as Candida, it depends on how pronounced the symptoms are, whether or not incapacity to work is present.

Duration of esophagitis during pregnancy

The duration of esophagitis during pregnancy is generally no different from that of non-pregnant women. Since an acid inhibitor can also be taken during pregnancy if there is no other way to control the symptoms, the symptoms usually recede after a few days of drug therapy.