Criticism of the water diet | The water – diet

Criticism of the water diet

In general it is questionable whether the water diet can actually be considered a diet, as no special diet plan is drawn up. Water as a daily drink is of course healthy and should be part of every person’s diet according to the WHO. The diet depends largely on the eating habits during the water diet. If one nourishes oneself as before the Diät and drinks now 3.5 instead of 2 liters, one will notice little acceptance success.If you change your diet, do sports and drink enough fluids, you effectively boost your metabolism, burn fat and lose weight. In summary, it can be said that the success of the diet depends on many other factors in addition to water intake.

What are the risks/hazards of this diet?

The only real risk with the water diet are false promises of radical weight loss as part of the diet. The reason for this is that the success of the diet here depends very much on the individual’s diet, since the water only helps to stimulate metabolic processes at the cellular level. Dangers from water consumption do not usually occur, as water is healthy and essential for us. From quantities of 10 liters of water a day, one damages one’s body and can even suffer life-threatening water poisoning. However, many people find it difficult to drink even 2 liters, so this danger is extremely rare.

Medical evaluation of the water diet

The water diet promises to lose weight by drinking several liters of water throughout the day. This only works, however, if the diet is changed in a disciplined way and, at best, sporting activities are added to it, which drive the metabolism and reduce fat pads in a targeted manner. This means that this diet can be designed very differently for each individual and depends very much on one’s own discipline and weight loss goals.

Drinking water is undoubtedly healthy and essential for our body to allow metabolic processes to take place. Of course, pure water is healthier than sugared drinks such as lemonades, cola or coffee with high-fat milk and sugar. Nevertheless, most people in our society do not drink enough water, although 40 ml per kilogram body weight is recommended daily.

Whereby numerous food such as cucumber or cooked noodles contain water that we take up exactly the same as water from a glass. We think that the water diet is not very effective as a diet in itself, because there are too few specific guidelines, which is not very helpful, especially in case of overweight. In order to live healthy, one should drink enough water every day, that’s for sure. It is helpful to drink a glass of water about 20 minutes before a main meal, as this makes you a little fuller and you often eat less.