Testicular mumps

What is a testicular mumps? Testicular mumps is a complication of mumps disease. The infection spreads to the testicles via the bloodstream and causes an inflammation of the testicles. This happens in 20 to 30 percent of cases occurring during puberty. Otherwise, this complication of mumps disease occurs much less frequently. Causes for the development … Testicular mumps

Infertility due to testicular mumps | Testicular mumps

Infertility due to testicular mumps Unfortunately, there is a possibility of infertility as a result of testicular mumps. However, this complication occurs very rarely. More often, however, the testicle atrophies moderately after the severe swelling during infection. However, this diminution is rarely accompanied by infertility. Therapy The duration of mumps disease or complications of testicular … Infertility due to testicular mumps | Testicular mumps