Infertility due to testicular mumps | Testicular mumps

Infertility due to testicular mumps

Unfortunately, there is a possibility of infertility as a result of testicular mumps. However, this complication occurs very rarely. More often, however, the testicle atrophies moderately after the severe swelling during infection. However, this diminution is rarely accompanied by infertility.


The duration of mumps disease or complications of testicular mumps is difficult to estimate. It depends on the strength of the immune system and thus whether the inflammation spreads to organs other than the parotid gland and the testicles. In about half of the patients suffering from mumps the infection runs without symptoms or shows itself only as a mild, flu-like infection.

Thus, the duration of the disease varies between a few days and many weeks. As a rule, the prognosis for testicular mumps is good. Only in rare cases does the dreaded permanent damage to the inner ear or infertility occur.