Vaccination: Does vaccination do more harm than good?

Does vaccination do more harm than good? Time and again there are public discussions about whether vaccination against a transmissible infectious disease makes sense or whether it is only in the interest of the pharmaceutical companies to vaccinate as many people as possible. In the past, there have already been countless successes against infectious diseases … Vaccination: Does vaccination do more harm than good?

The vaccination against chickenpox

Introduction The chickenpox vaccination vaccines against the virus Varizella, which belongs to the herpes family and causes the disease chickenpox. Chickenpox occurs mainly in childhood. The skin and mucous membranes are affected with itchy, reddish blisters. In itself, most chickenpox diseases are uncomplicated and heal within weeks. However, since the disease lasts for weeks and … The vaccination against chickenpox

How is a chickenpox vaccination carried out? | The vaccination against chickenpox

How is a chickenpox vaccination carried out? A chickenpox vaccination should be given twice in total. In children it is recommended to vaccinate them once at the age of about 11-14 months and then again at the age of 15-23 months. There should be an interval of at least 4 weeks between vaccinations. In special … How is a chickenpox vaccination carried out? | The vaccination against chickenpox

What should be observed after a chickenpox vaccination? | The vaccination against chickenpox

What should be observed after a chickenpox vaccination? After a chickenpox vaccination you should make sure that you do not become pregnant for another three months after the vaccination. Apart from pregnant women, immunocompromised patients, patients with an allergy to chicken protein and an allergy to neomycin should not be vaccinated. Fever can occur as … What should be observed after a chickenpox vaccination? | The vaccination against chickenpox

Can I still get chickenpox despite a vaccination? | The vaccination against chickenpox

Can I still get chickenpox despite a vaccination? With some vaccinated persons it is possible that the vaccine does not respond one hundred percent, so that there is still a residual risk of infection. In about 70 to 90% of the cases a vaccination prevents a disease. If the disease breaks out despite vaccination, the … Can I still get chickenpox despite a vaccination? | The vaccination against chickenpox


Definition Twinrix® is a vaccine against the two infectious diseases Hepatitis A and B. Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that can be caused by various viruses. Hepatitis A is a form that is particularly prevalent in subtropical and tropical regions, but nevertheless also accounts for around a quarter of all liver inflammation in … Twinrix

Costs | Twinrix

Costs The price of the respective vaccination dose of Twinrix® varies from about 60 to 80 Euros, depending on the manufacturer. Thus, a complete immunization with three vaccinations costs about 180 to 240 Euros. Not every insurance company will cover the costs of Twinrix®, so please always check with your health insurance company before you … Costs | Twinrix