Summary | Physiotherapy for hip impingement syndrome

Summary In hip impingement, there is a tightness between the femoral head and the socket. The cartilage and the capsule can be injured by entrapment and the development of arthrosis is promoted. Therefore, surgery is often indicated in which the joint mechanics are restored arthroscopically. Mobilizing physiotherapy is combined with strengthening exercises for the hip … Summary | Physiotherapy for hip impingement syndrome

ISG blockage symptoms

An ISG blockage is an unpleasant “dislocation” of the lower back. For a better understanding a short explanation of the term: the so-called sacroiliac joint is called ISG. This joint is composed of the Os Ilium and the Os Sacrum, which are the Latin terms for the ilium and sacrum. The ilium is a flat … ISG blockage symptoms

Exercises/treatment | ISG blockage symptoms

Exercises/treatment Other measures that can be taken to treat ISG blockage in physiotherapy are, for example, passive therapies, i.e. therapies carried out by the therapist. This includes manual therapy, in which the two joint partners or other affected structures are moved or manipulated by the hands of the therapist. Massage, trigger point therapy and various … Exercises/treatment | ISG blockage symptoms

Physiotherapy – alternative treatment | Femoral head necrosis – exercises

Physiotherapy – alternative treatment Some physical measures result from physiotherapy, which can be used depending on the symptoms. Comprehensive information about physiotherapy for this clinical picture can be found in the article: Physiotherapy for femoral head necrosis To minimize the load on the hip joint and to provide relief, the hip joint can be mobilized … Physiotherapy – alternative treatment | Femoral head necrosis – exercises