Depression in the Workplace

A heavy workload and fear of unemployment are driving more and more employees into depression and inability to work. One statistic says that in 2012, nearly half of early retirees stopped working because of mental health problems – depression being the most common cause. Depression and other mental health problems are also taking on an … Depression in the Workplace

Behavioral Disorders in Old Age: Grumpy, Distrustful, Aggressive

Behavioral abnormalities in the context of dementia – a completely underestimated clinical picture. Today, more than 1.2 million German citizens already suffer from dementia. 800,000 of them have severe behavioral abnormalities, such as aggression in words and deeds, sudden mood changes, distrust of family members, restless wandering at night. As the number of elderly people … Behavioral Disorders in Old Age: Grumpy, Distrustful, Aggressive

What do I Radiate?

Facial expressions and body posture are inseparable. That’s what researchers at Tilburg University in the Netherlands have found. When perceiving a person, the brain cannot separate the emotional expression of the face and that of the body posture. And it can’t do so even if the observer focuses specifically only on facial expressions. The scientists … What do I Radiate?

Who Has Friends, Lives Healthier

Those who have friends have a stronger immune system, a more stable psyche and recover more quickly after illness. If current studies are to be believed, four out of five German citizens have close friends, on average about three. A network of stable, intensive friendships helps to significantly prolong life, because in difficult times it … Who Has Friends, Lives Healthier

How the Soul Heals the Body

The question of whether and how the body and soul influence each other has preoccupied people ever since there was written evidence of disease and health. Psychosomatic approaches to explaining the development and course of disease have also long pointed to connections between the psyche and the body. Until a few years ago, however, it … How the Soul Heals the Body

Help for the Fidget

They fidget incessantly with their hands and feet, never able to concentrate on games or on their schoolwork for any length of time. At the same time, they are often cheeky and blurt out answers before a question has even been finished. Such children are a real ordeal. For parents, siblings, kindergarten or school. The … Help for the Fidget

The Inner Pig

Resolutions for a healthier life are always profitable and initially they can be implemented well. But then come the “inner pig dog” and the power of habit. After just a few days, the desire to improve no longer seems so great and soon you are back in the old rut. But there is another way. … The Inner Pig

Stimulate the Mind

Most of us are in a state of constant tension and expectation. And so we rush through the day: from bed to breakfast table (if at all), from meeting to meeting, from person to person, from hobby to hobby, and at the end of the day even from TV show to TV show. Get bored … Stimulate the Mind