Nodular Lichen (Lichen Ruber Planus): Or something else? Differential Diagnosis

Skin and subcutaneous (L00-L99).

  • Medicinal exanthema, lichenoides (“lichenoid”).
  • Lichen sclerosus – rarely occurring, chronic inflammatory disease of the connective tissue, which is probably one of the autoimmune diseases.
  • Papular syphilid – itching is low or absent.
  • Pityriasis lichenoides – lues in the early syphilis (secondary stage)/sexual disease stage.
  • Psoriasis punctata (psoriasis) – the Auspitz phenomenon, which is pathognomonic for psoriasis, is absent in lichen rubra planusAuspitz phenomenon: after removal of the lowest horny scales of a to psoriatic plaque (elevating, “plate-like” substance proliferation of the skin ), there is a small punctate bleeding (“bloody dew”)

Digestive system (K00-K93)

  • Candidiasis of the oral mucosainfectious diseases caused by fungi (fungi sprouts) of the genus Candida.
  • Gingivitis marginalis (synonym: gingivitis simplex; inflammation of the oral mucosa).
  • Leukoplakia of the oral mucosa – predominantly white change in the oral mucosa; most common premalignant (potentially malignant/malignant) change in the oral mucosa.