Heart Canal Inflammation

Synonyms in a broader sense

Medical: Otitis Externa English:


The auditory canal inflammation is, as the name suggests, an inflammation in the external auditory canal. The inflamed skin is very painful. The auditory canal starts at the outer ear, measures about 3 – 4 cm in length and ends at the eardrum. It is s-shaped.


The cause of the ear canal inflammation is an infection of the hair follicles with a certain type of bacteria (staphylococci). This infection usually occurs when the ear canal is cleaned with cotton swabs. Here smallest injuries are caused by which then bacteria can penetrate.

Likewise by the too frequent cleaning of the auditory canal the earwax (cerumen) is removed and thus the physiological protection from dirt and bacteria is cancelled. Also by bathing in contaminated water such an auditory canal inflammation can occur, if the water that has penetrated into the auditory canal cannot drain off immediately. Care should also be taken with hearing aids or other earmolds. Here, a chamber can develop behind the hearing aid which is sealed off from the air.


The inflammation of the auditory canal is associated with severe pain. The pressure on the tragus is particularly painful. The tragus is the cartilaginous protrusion of the auditory canal forward, i.e. towards the face.

Pain also occurs when chewing, as the temporomandibular joint is located in the immediate vicinity of the external auditory canal. The pull on the auricle also causes pain. However, if the doctor wants to insert the auricle into the ear to assess the auditory canal and the eardrum, pulling on the pinna is unavoidable. Pulling backwards and upwards straightens the s-shaped ear canal a little, which makes it easier to see the eardrum.


The auditory canal is swollen in the membranous part. Swelling and enlargement of the lymph nodes may also occur in front of or behind the auricle. Pain and redness are also important for the diagnosis. If one or more hair follicles are inflamed, pus accumulations may occur which break open into the ear canal.