Heart stabbing after sport | Heart Sting

Heart stabbing after sport

The fear of a heart attack or its precursor of coronary heart disease (a narrowing of the heart’s blood vessels and the resulting reduced supply of blood to the heart muscle) is justifiably widespread in our society. Fortunately, however, in the case of heart stabbing, worries in this regard are mostly unfounded, since, as far as pain is concerned, diseases of the heart usually manifest themselves in the form of a constricting pain with a dull, oppressive character. It is not without reason that the symptoms of coronary heart disease (CHD) are described as “chest tightness” (angina pectoris).

The actual cause of heart stabbing after exercise can be complex and not immediately apparent. First of all, the presence of a so-called thoracic wall syndrome is conceivable, in which nerves or blood vessels are trapped between the ribs and the muscles running between them. Breath-related pain in particular suggests this.

Another possible cause can be gastrointestinal complaints. Also conceivable, although much rarer, are diseases of the lungs, especially in the form of inflammation (see: Pneumonia). If the stinging in the chest area occurs repeatedly or with great intensity, lasts for a long time or simply causes you concern, you should in any case have it clarified by your family doctor.

Heart stabbing in children

Whether through the media, acquaintances or relatives – everyone is probably regularly confronted with the topic of heart attacks. The fear of heart attacks is accordingly widespread. Many parents are therefore quickly worried if their own child complains about “heart attacks”.

These worries can usually be dispelled quickly. For one thing, heart disease in children, unlike in adults, is quite unlikely. On the other hand, heart diseases do not usually manifest themselves in the form of stabbing pain.

Rather, they present themselves as a dull, strongly constricting feeling or pain. However, if you are concerned about the child’s symptoms or if the stabbing of the heart occurs regularly, with great intensity or for a long time, you should not hesitate to seek medical advice. The most important point in the diagnosis of cardiac stabbing is an extensive doctor-patient consultation (in short: anamnesis).

During this conversation, the time course and possible triggers of the heart sting should be determined. In addition, the attending physician should be informed about possible previous illnesses, regularly taken medication or other abnormalities. The doctor-patient consultation is usually followed by an extensive physical examination in which not only the heart but also the lungs, abdomen, neck veins and legs are examined for visible abnormalities.

In addition, patients who suffer from cardiac stabbing must have an ECG written promptly. If there is evidence of a certain disease that could be responsible for the occurrence of a heart sting, a specific blood test is performed.The imaging procedure of first choice is an ultrasound examination, even in the presence of cardiac stitches. Only then should further procedures such as cardiac catheterization or myocardial scintigraphy be initiated.