Heat and Ozone: How to Protect Yourself?

Summer heat, dog days, the sun is burning. For many people, however, the intense heat can become a health burden. They feel listless, tired, exhausted. Anyone who is also physically active in the heat quickly has a deficit of fluids and minerals.

Irritating ozone

Even low concentrations of ozone cause irritation of the mucous membranes – especially the respiratory tract, but also the eyes. People with respiratory diseases should therefore never forget their asthma spray, because increased ozone exposure easily leads to coughing and bronchial constriction. A person at rest inhales and exhales about five liters of air per minute, but during great exertion this value can increase more than tenfold. Outdoor sports activities should therefore be avoided when ozone concentrations are high.

Sensitive to heat?

Summertime saves us from rain – if not just one of the heavy summer thunderstorms down. The more makes us then but the heat to create. However, this is individually different, one tolerates the heat better than the other. At normal outdoor temperatures, we lose about 2 liters of fluid a day, mainly through urine and breath. On hot days, however, it can easily be 5 liters. When it is very hot, our performance drops, heart and circulatory problems threaten, and the immune system is often additionally weakened by too much sun. As temperatures rise, so does the risk of stomach and intestinal problems and food-borne gastrointestinal infections. Lack of sleep, an infection or thyroid dysfunction can further worsen heat tolerance. The female cycle also has an influence. During the so-called luteal phase, the body’s core temperature is elevated by 0.4 degrees, so sweating begins later.

Dangers in the heat

Heat illnesses occur when the heat lasts for a long time and our body can no longer release the heat sufficiently, or too much fluid and electrolytes are lost during physical exertion. Heat exhaustion or heat stroke may occur.

Heat exhaustion

As a result of high outdoor temperatures, the organism can no longer release the heat it has absorbed in sufficient quantities. Additional physical activity in high temperatures quickly leads to a lack of fluids and the loss of electrolytes. If minerals and water are not supplied in time, there is a risk of heat exhaustion. The first signs are cold sweat, paleness and a general feeling of weakness. Those affected shiver and have a rapid but weak pulse at normal body temperature. If countermeasures are not taken in time, circulatory failure and shock may result. It is important to keep the affected person flat in the shade, give him plenty of mineral water or fruit spritzer, and open any constricting clothing.

Heat stroke

When the entire body overheats, heat buildup occurs. This danger is especially great in humid weather with high humidity. The signs are a flushed head, hot dry skin, and a dull facial expression. Body temperature is elevated due to overheating. Heat stroke can also lead to fainting. Therefore, the emergency physician must always be called in case of heat stroke. Treatment: moist cloths on the forehead and neck bring initial relief. Another option is to rub the body with ice cubes. If unconscious, immediately place the affected person in the recovery position.

Sporting activities

Sports should be practiced with particular caution in very hot weather. The body loses between one and 1, 5 liters of fluid per hour depending on physical exertion. Failure to replace fluids appropriately can result in reduced performance. Athletes also need electrolytes, which are also lost with sweating. If the physical strain is too great and the lack of fluids too severe, there is a risk of circulatory collapse. For this reason, athletes are advised to move their activities to the cooler morning or evening hours when temperatures are high. A circulatory collapse usually begins with sweating, the affected person’s eyes go black and he often feels dizzy. In any case, the emergency physician should be called.

How should you behave when it is very hot?

  • The most important thing in high heat is: drink, drink, drink, and up to three liters more than usual.Chilled, but not ice-cold fruit juice spritzer is recommended. This keeps the circulation stable and replaces the loss of fluids and minerals. Alcohol, coffee and black tea should be avoided, which they have a dehydrating effect, that is, the body is deprived of the liquid again faster.
  • Those who suffer from the heat quite automatically seek out shady places or a cool, ventilated room. Air conditioning should not be set too cold because of the threat of colds.
  • Absolutely important is the clothing, because the air should circulate through the shirts and pants. This allows the body to cool down. Wide cut, light cotton clothes are best.
  • Also advisable are headgear with neck protection, cream with a high sun protection factor and sunglasses.
  • A high-fat diet with sausages or pork should be avoided in any case. Light food such as vegetables, salads, water-rich fruits help as a protective measure against overheating of the body.
  • Elderly people and chronically ill should discuss with the doctor and take precautionary measures during a hot spell or before a trip to the south.
  • Within a few weeks, an organism can adapt to higher temperatures, one speaks then of heat acclimatization. This can be well observed in athletes who train daily in the heat: The core body temperature rises more slowly from day to day, the increase in heart rate is lower, and the training duration is longer. The cause is a more effective sweating.
  • Those who do not want to give up sports in the summer and in the heat, should be careful in the first five days of heat. After that, sports activities can be gradually resumed.