Hepatitis C

Synonyms in the broadest sense

Liver inflammation, liver parenchymal inflammation type C, acute and chronic viral hepatitis C, hepatitis C virus (HCV), infectious jaundice of virus type C, hepatitis non-A-non-B (NANB), post-transfusion hepatitis.


Hepatitis C is an inflammation of the liver caused by the hepatitis C virus and most commonly transmitted via blood and blood products (pareneral). This notifiable form of viral hepatitis chronifies particularly frequently, in up to 80% of cases, compared to hepatitis A and hepatitis B. A patient with chronic hepatitis C has a higher risk of developing liver cirrhosis and/or liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma, HCC). Although therapy of chronic hepatitis C is possible through antiviral therapy with interferon, it is unfortunately not always successful. A prophylaxis of hepatitis C by vaccination is not yet possible.


Overview of the symptoms of hepatitis C disease: No symptoms (up to 75% of cases) Acute infection: Fatigue Exhaustion Light fever Joint pain Headache Nausea, loss of appetite Pain in the right upper abdomen (below the costal arch) Jaundice Chronic infection Jaundice Tiredness, weakness Joint pain Appetite loss Pain in the right upper abdomen Newly developed tendency to bruising Inflammation of the blood vessels Itching An acute hepatitis C infection is asymptomatic in 75% of cases. However, asymptomatic acute hepatitis C infections are very often chronic. Only 25% of infected persons show unspecific symptoms such as tiredness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting or right-sided upper abdominal pain.

In about 25% of symptomatic patients, yellowing of the skin (icterus), eyes (sclerenicterus) or mucous membranes occurs in addition. Dark staining of the urine and discoloration of the bowel movements are also possible. However, in the case of acute symptomatic hepatitis C, 50% of patients are completely cured.

In most cases (80%), an acute hepatitis C infection develops into a chronic hepatitis C infection, which is associated with fatigue, reduced performance, loss of appetite, joint pain, diarrhea and pain in the area of the liver (below the right costal arch). Some patients also experience itching, dry skin or oral mucosa, and kidney or thyroid disease. In addition, chronic hepatitis C infection can lead to increased anxiety and depression.

Some male patients also complain of an enlargement of the breasts (gynecomastia) as well as a reduction in the size of the testicles (testicular atrophy) and a decrease in the hair on the abdomen (belly baldness) and in the pubic region. Chronic hepatitis C patients, on the other hand, may experience menstrual disorders and lack of menstrual flow (amenorrhea). However, these chronic complaints usually occur many years after infection.

One consequence of chronic hepatitis C infection is the development of liver cirrhosis, which leads to the destruction of liver cells and excessive formation of connective tissue (fibrosis). The liver can no longer perform its normal tasks. For example, the formation of coagulation factors is restricted, so that bleeding can occur.

In addition, the development of a hepatic coma (hepatic encephalopathy) is possible as a result of the liver’s lack of detoxification function. Liver cirrhosis can ultimately lead to liver failure, i.e. a complete loss of liver function, or to the development of liver cancer (e.g. hepatocellular carcinoma/HCC).

  • No symptoms (up to 75% of cases)
  • Acute infection: fatigue fatigue fatigue light fever joint pain headache nausea, loss of appetite pain in the right upper abdomen (below the costal arch) jaundice
  • Tiredness
  • Lassitude
  • Light fever
  • Joint Pain
  • Headaches
  • Nausea, loss of appetite
  • Pain in the right upper abdomen (below the costal arch)
  • Jaundice
  • Chronic infection: jaundice fatigue, weakness joint pain loss of appetite pain in the right upper abdomen new tendency to bruising inflammation of blood vessels itching
  • Jaundice
  • Tiredness, weakness
  • Joint Pain
  • Loss of appetite
  • Pain in the right upper abdomen
  • Newly developed tendency to bruises
  • Inflammation of blood vessels
  • Itching
  • Tiredness
  • Lassitude
  • Light fever
  • Joint Pain
  • Headaches
  • Nausea, loss of appetite
  • Pain in the right upper abdomen (below the costal arch)
  • Jaundice
  • Jaundice
  • Tiredness, weakness
  • Joint Pain
  • Loss of appetite
  • Pain in the right upper abdomen
  • Newly developed tendency to bruises
  • Inflammation of blood vessels
  • Itching