Diagnosis | Root Cancer


In the case of inflammation of the tissue surrounding the tooth root caused by periodontitis, the diagnosis of tooth root inflammation is made by probing the pocket depth with a periodontal probe. In addition, an X-ray image provides evidence of the extent to which the bone has already been damaged. The inflammation and the suppurative focus (granuloma) at the tip of the root can only be diagnosed on the basis of the X-ray image, as long as it is still without symptoms. The abscess is naturally obvious and does not require any further diagnostic measures. An abscess describes an encapsulated cavity filled with pus.


Since the cause of root inflammation of the tissue surrounding the tooth root is periodontitis, the cause is bacterial plaque. Removal of plaque is the best prophylaxis. Inflammation at the tip of the tooth root is the result of caries and here too, cleaning the teeth is a prophylactic measure. So the best prophylaxis for inflammation at the root of the tooth is the thorough daily removal of plaque. A six-month visit to the dentist for professional dental cleaning is also beneficial for maintaining healthy oral hygiene.

Root canal inflammation and sports

In the case of an inflammation of the tooth root, physical exertion achieved through sport is not recommended. As the body exerts itself, the vessels contract and blood pressure and heart rate rise. The body warms up.

As a result, the bacteria that cause the inflammation have the perfect environment to multiply and cause the abscess to develop or rapidly enlarge. Through exercise the body is weakened and even more vulnerable. The immune system has hardly any chance to fight the infection caused by the bacteria.

Furthermore, there is the danger that the bacteria can enter the bloodstream more easily and become a systemic problem. The bacteria thus quickly reach central organs such as the heart and can easily damage the heart by weakening the immune system. This can lead to myocarditis, a disease in which the bacteria attack the heart muscle and damage the muscle cells.

This weakens the heart muscle and leads to heart failure. This condition is life-threatening because the heart muscle is no longer as resilient as before and as a consequence there is an increased risk of heart attack and possibly a lifetime of heart medication. Therefore, in the case of an inflammation of the tooth root, the patient should keep his distance until the sport has subsided in order to avoid the risk of serious consequences.