Home remedies for prevention | Periodontosis treatment

Home remedies for prevention

The most important home remedy is to maintain a strong immune system. The healthier you eat and live, the more the body itself is able to defend itself against the bacteria. Especially in the mouth, of course, good oral and dental care is essential.

Especially for patients with gum problems, there are antibacterial mouth rinsing solutions containing for example chlorhexidine. Hydrogen peroxide is suitable for disinfection. For rinsing you should use a maximum 1% solution.

If it is only available as a 3% solution, it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2. We strongly advise against simple household remedies such as baking powder, salt or citric acid. They do sand down the bacteria in the plaque to a certain extent.

But they are also very acidic and damage the enamel and gums. Citric acid lowers the pH value in the mouth. The teeth are more susceptible to caries because the acid roughens and demineralizes the enamel.

In studies it has been proven that green tea can keep the inflammation in check. It cannot be stopped completely, but the herbs soothe the bacteria. Sage and thyme tea also contain antibacterial substances.

An ancient household remedy is the drawing of oil. One rinses the mouth thereby 2 times daily with a vegetable oil. The oils bind food residues and thus take the nutrient medium away from the bacteria. Proven oils are for example clove oil or tea tree oil.


Periodontal treatment and the surgical part of it are considered low-risk procedures that can usually be carried out on an outpatient basis. Of course, as with any other operation, complications can never be completely ruled out. It can lead to wound healing disorders, local infections or even postoperative bleeding.

In order to prevent this, the active cooperation of the patient is required.So he should keep the appointments, including those for check-ups, on a regular basis and implement the tips from the specialist, such as how good oral hygiene should proceed. Abstaining from smoking also increases the chances of recovery. In the course of the healing phase, recessions (tissue shrinkage) can occur, which can trigger other side effects, such as sensitive dental necks. However, the retraction of the gums can be considered positive and the aesthetic losses must be accepted in relation to the health aspects. After a successfully completed treatment, possibilities for improving the aesthetics can be discussed with the dentist.