Home remedy against fever for children | Home remedy for fever

Home remedy against fever for children

For children, a sufficient fluid intake is the best household remedy against fever. Thus, the taste of the child decides which drink should be offered more often in case of fever. Teas with honey are particularly suitable, since they are not sugary.

Lemonades and highly sweetened juices should be avoided, as their high sugar content leads to additional dehydration in addition to the increased temperature. With the increased fluid intake, the circulation is stabilized and the self-healing of the body is supported. A balanced diet promotes this process.

Garlic and onions are usually not tolerated by children in the form of soup due to their strong taste and smell, but they can be used in a suitable form. If the fever rises very high, calf compresses are a good way of lowering the fever in children of kindergarten and school age without medication. However, it is important to monitor the changing of diapers and to lower the temperature gradually.

Home remedy against fever for babies

Babies should be very careful with home remedies against fever. In general, a fever speaks for a functioning immune system and should therefore be considered a natural reaction for the time being. The increased body temperature exceeds the heat resistance of the pathogens and thus kills them.

The fever should therefore only be lowered if a baby is suffering from significant discomfort. Typical for severely impaired babies is a conspicuous drowsiness and laziness in drinking. If the fluid intake decreases significantly, a doctor should be consulted immediately and the use of household remedies alone should be avoided.

In mild cases, however, the use of herbal remedies should also be avoided, as babies are often very sensitive to the ingredients and allergic reactions can be triggered. It is best to use physical measures, but these should be applied in moderation. It is best to choose appropriate clothing.

At the peak of the fever curve, light clothing should be chosen and after a fever interval, sweaty, damp clothing should be changed. This is the best measure with the least side effects in addition to a sufficient fluid intake. Calf compresses should only be applied after consulting a physician. They are not suitable for very small babies, for example, because the area for heat transfer to the calves is much too small.