How long does hair loss last? | Eyelashes fall out – What to do?

How long does hair loss last?

Over which periods of time the eyelash loss can extend, depends entirely on the cause and treatment. The decisive factor is the growth of the eyelashes themselves, as this can last for a long time after the cause has been removed. In principle, the lashes grow no differently than our scalp hair, only a little slower.

Also the lifespan of eyelashes is much shorter than that of scalp hair, which is why they do not grow as long. Eyelash growth can be divided into three phases: the anagen phase (growth phase), the catagen phase (transition phase) and the telogen phase (rest and repulsion). How fast a fallen eyelash grows back also depends on in which of the phases it fell out. Eyelashes that are lost in one of the first two phases need longer to grow back, because their growth cycle has been interrupted, so to speak. So it can take weeks or months until an eyelash is completely grown back.

Eyelash loss in men

The eyelashes of men are no different from those of women. Therefore, the possible reasons for eyelash loss are the same (except for hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy). Men can also suffer from a lack of vitamins and minerals, inflammation of the eyelids or other skin diseases such as circular hair loss (Alopecia Areata).

The eyelids may have a congenital malposition or the person affected may take medication that promotes eyelash loss, such as chemotherapy. Stress, eye injuries or scalds/burns can also cause lasting damage to the eyelashes. The treatment options for men are the same as for women.


The main symptom of eyelash loss is the loss of eyelashes. The resulting depilated eyelids are a cosmetic impairment for most patients. But there are also medical impairments.

Since the eyelashes no longer protect the eyes, wind, small foreign bodies and dust irritate more than usual. This can lead to redness and inflammation of the eyes more quickly. The eyes dry out faster, which can also have a negative effect on vision.