How long does pain last while breathing? | Pain when breathing

How long does pain last while breathing?

In the vast majority of cases, the prognosis of simple pain while breathing is very good. The main cause is nerves or muscles, which can be treated well. The duration of the pain is at most a few days.The prognosis for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is also good.

However, the duration of the complaints continues until definitive treatment. Pain when breathing has a significantly worse prognosis if the cause comes from the heart or is a pulmonary embolism. In this case, the prognosis can only be improved by rapid and targeted action. After the therapy, the pain when breathing usually disappears.

Diagnosis for pain when breathing

Because of the many possible causes, the diagnosis of respiratory pain includes many factors. An extensive survey clarifies the extent of the complaints, how acute they were and whether there is a fever or a violent effect. A look in the throat provides indications of inflamed mucous membranes.

To further examine the lungs, they must be listened to and possibly x-rayed. To rule out heart involvement, certain laboratory values and an electrocardiogram (ECG) are required. An orthopedic examination can diagnose nerve entrapment. If there are further uncertainties, examinations such as computer tomography (CT) may be useful.

Accompanying symptoms of pain when breathing

Pain when breathing may be accompanied by other symptoms. They can be a guide in the search for the cause. An important symptom of breathing pain is a possible shortness of breath.

It indicates that the cause of the pain is in the lungs or heart. If there is an inflammation in the chest, chills and fever can occur as accompanying symptoms. Other accompanying symptoms include nausea and vomiting.

If such symptoms occur in parallel with pain when breathing, the diagnosis should focus on the gastrointestinal tract. It is important to know that nausea and vomiting can also be indications of a heart attack. If the cause of the pain is very severe, accompanying symptoms such as dizziness or even unconsciousness may occur.

A common cause of pain when breathing is a pinched nerve or an irritated muscle. Here, in addition to the pain, there may be tingling or numbness in the chest. In addition, pressure on the affected area or certain movements can increase the pain.