How long is the incubation period for cold viruses? | Cold viruses

How long is the incubation period for cold viruses?

There is no general value for all cold viruses. However, two to four days can be taken as a rough guide. In addition, the incubation period, i.e. the time from infection with the virus until the onset of the symptoms of the disease, varies from person to person and depends to a not inconsiderable extent on each person’s immune system. Compared with other viral diseases, however, it can be said that the incubation period for cold viruses is rather short.

How long are cold viruses contagious?

With regard to the time of infection no general statement is possible. This depends on the immune system of the person with the cold as well as on the type of virus itself. Roughly speaking, it is about seven days in which the patient himself is contagious.

It is important, however, that you are already contagious before the first symptoms appear. On the first days, in which one feels symptoms, one is thereby most contagious. Before and after that the risk of infection is lower. In addition, when your illness ends, you no longer spread viruses and are therefore no longer contagious. Contact with others should therefore be kept as low as possible, especially during the period of the cold, but is no longer a problem after the end of the illness.

What is the infection route of cold viruses?

The human skin usually provides natural protection against viruses.If the skin is injured or the viruses reach mucous membranes, they can overcome the barrier and lead to infection. Cold viruses often enter the human body via the respiratory tract. They settle here and, starting from the bronchi and lungs, they continue into the body to infect the other organ systems as well. However, some cold viruses also spread through the respiratory tract, causing mainly coughing and lung diseases.

How long can cold viruses survive outside the human body?

The survival time of viruses depends firstly on the surface, secondly and decisively, but also on the type of virus. As a rough rule of thumb, one can assume from several hours to a few days. However, viruses should not be able to survive much longer than this, which is due to the fact that viruses cannot survive on their own, but need a host whose metabolism they can use. Since bacteria are very capable of doing this, they can survive for up to several thousand years.