How often and how long should I use the household remedies? | Home remedies to use against vomiting

How often and how long should I use the household remedies?

Whether vomiting should only be treated with the above mentioned home remedies depends on the cause of the vomiting. In many cases vomiting is not dangerous, especially if it occurs only a few times. Then the treatment can be done with home remedies and if the symptoms improve, no further therapy is needed.

However, if the home remedies do not improve the vomiting or if it persists for several days, a visit to the doctor should be made promptly to discuss possible further causes and their treatment. In children, vomiting is often caused by infections of the digestive tract and excessive consumption of sugary foods. Fever can occur at the same time, especially in the case of infections.

If severe abdominal pain occurs or the fever persists for several days without improvement, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible. One of the most important measures to be taken in the case of vomiting in children is a sufficient supply of liquid. Children lose a lot of fluid very quickly through vomiting, just as with diarrhoea, which can then lead to further symptoms.

Therefore, the administration of fluids is very important. Drinking tea and soup is particularly suitable here, as the loss of electrolytes can be compensated at the same time. To prevent further nausea it is also recommended to brush the teeth after vomiting.

A cool towel on the head can also help against possible accompanying dizziness. The children should rest as vomiting is often strenuous for the children and is a burden. Vomiting and fever can occur in combination.

There are several possible causes for this. In general, the fever that accompanies vomiting is an expression of an inflammatory reaction in the body. Together with fever, this can typically be triggered by gastroenteritis or infections of the digestive tract.

This often leads to diarrhea or constipation. If you experience severe abdominal pain or the symptoms do not improve after a few days, you should consult a doctor quickly. In rare cases, vomiting and fever can also be an expression of other diseases, for example inflammation of the meninges.

Typical symptoms are vomiting on an empty stomach and severe headaches. In the case of vomiting and fever, a sufficient supply of fluids and electrolytes as well as regular temperature checks must be ensured. For antipyretic agents, a consultation should take place at the pharmacy. In addition, sufficient physical protection must be observed.