How often and how long should I use the household remedies? | Home remedy against bronchitis

How often and how long should I use the household remedies?

As a rule, the household remedies can be used without hesitation over a longer period of time. The use of the household remedies can be adjusted accordingly if the symptoms improve.

  • A quark wrap should not be applied more than once a day and should be removed when the quark begins to dry, to prevent possible damage to the skin.
  • Tea should be drunk in large quantities throughout the day in case of bronchitis, as the body needs a lot of fluids.
  • In order for the onion juice to develop its full effect, three tablespoons per day are recommended.

Bronchitis – expectorant home remedies

Mucolytic agents are also called expectorants. They mobilize the mucus in the respiratory tract, making it easier to expel.

  • Mucolytic household remedies include inhalations, for example with saline solution or herbs.
  • Quince, for example, prepared as soup, also has an expectorant effect. It also supports the immune system, since it contains, among other things, vitamin C and zinc.
  • Horseradish, which can be processed into juice as a finely chopped root, also has an expectorant effect.

Home remedy against bronchitis in children

For children, there are many different home remedies that can help against bronchitis. These include honey, for example, which can be stirred into warm milk and contains anti-inflammatory substances. It is also very important that children drink enough to keep their fluid balance stable. It is also important to make sure that the air humidity is high enough, otherwise the respiratory tract becomes dry. Special care should be taken with inhalations, as many essential oils can lead to allergic reactions.

Treatment of the disease only with home remedies or only as supportive therapy?

Bronchitis is always a serious disease, as it can lead to complications. In many cases, however, treatment with home remedies alone is sufficient, provided they are accompanied by sufficient fluids and physical rest. However, if there is no improvement after a few days, a doctor should be consulted and a possible change in treatment discussed. In rare cases it can happen that in addition to the viruses, bacteria are also present in the respiratory tract. In such a situation, therapy with antibiotics is necessary.