How often and how long should I use the household remedies? | Household remedy against influenza

How often and how long should I use the household remedies?

The home remedies listed above should be used at the onset of flu symptoms and should be used throughout the duration of the illness. In this way, a rapid relief of the flu can be achieved and possible prolongation or worsening of the symptoms avoided.

  • Nasal irrigation, gargling and inhalation can be done twice a day.
  • Hot tea and chicken soup can be prepared several times a day.
  • A pleasant room climate, as well as peace and recovery are quasi conditions for the recovery, which should be paid attention to permanently.

Flu or flu-like infection?

The words “flu” and “flu-like infection” are often used synonymously in everyday life. However, this is incorrect, as influenza is usually a severe, pronounced disease. It is caused by influenza viruses, is accompanied by high fever and pain and can last up to three weeks.

A flu-like infection, on the other hand, is what most people know as a “cold”. It is more likely to cause insidious symptoms, such as a runny nose, a cold and slight neck scratching. Headaches and aching limbs are only slightly pronounced, and the body temperature is usually only slightly elevated.

Usually, a flu-like infection lasts for a maximum of one to two weeks. There are various home remedies against fever. These include, for example, calf compresses or ice stockings, which acutely lower the body temperature.

However, these should not be used for chills and should only be used for a limited period of time. A descending full bath with a starting temperature of about 25°C can also help to reduce fever. Here it is important to ensure that the body is then sufficiently dried and kept warm.

Ginger, onions or drinking apple vinegar can also be used as a household remedy against fever. Flu is often accompanied by coughing and sore throat. There are various household remedies that can help to relieve the pain.

It is important to keep the neck region warm enough, for example by wearing scarves and drinking tea or eating warm soup frequently. In addition, drinking onion juice can also help to relieve sore throats. Various cough sweets can be purchased at the pharmacy or drugstore for acute coughing. So-called potato wraps with thinly sliced previously cooked potato slices also provide long-lasting warmth in the area of the throat.