How quickly can an improvement be expected? | Homeopathy for nosebleeds

How quickly can an improvement be expected?

How long a homeopathic treatment has to last in order to achieve an improvement of the symptoms depends strongly on various factors. These include among others: In general, the homeopathic remedy should be discontinued as soon as the symptoms have disappeared. If the symptoms do not respond after 4-6 weeks, a change of the remedy should at least be considered.

  • The strength of the complaints,
  • Type and dosage of the agent used,
  • As well as the physical condition and nature of the person concerned.

Treat nosebleeds in children with homeopathy

Statistically, children and adolescents are more frequently affected by nosebleeds than adults. In general, however, nosebleeds in children can be treated with the same homeopathic remedies as in adults, but witch hazel virginiana or millefolium can also be used for children in particular. Witch hazel is recommended when the tendency to bleed increases with heat and humidity, while Millefolium is more likely to be used when the condition is worsened by dry cold. In this case, too, before choosing a therapeutic agent one should inform oneself about the respective area of application and drug profile of the homeopathic remedy or consult a suitably trained specialist. Would you like to know what you need to consider especially in the case of nosebleeds in childhood?

How do you treat nosebleeds using conventional medicine?

A blood vessel in the nasal mucosa has burst during a nosebleed. Normally, the body should be able to stop the bleeding itself within several minutes. You can support the body with a cold cloth on the forehead or neck, as this slightly reduces the blood supply to the face and nose and makes it easier for the body to stop the bleeding.

In cases of frequent, strong and long-lasting nosebleeds, a single exposed vein in the nasal mucosa can sometimes be responsible: More precisely, a blood vessel in the plexus (network of blood vessels) called Locus Kiesselbachi is usually affected. Such an anatomical peculiarity is usually easy for the doctor to see. Are you interested in more detailed information on the causes of nosebleeds?

  • Then be deserted. The blood supply for the surrounding tissue is then still guaranteed by the other veins of the vascular network. The sclerosed area then forms scar tissue, which is firmer than the previous tissue and therefore bursts less often and leads to bleeding.