Pediatric Ophthalmology

A defect in the eyes means a high deficit in information reception

The following tell-tale signs should alert you to vision problems in your children:

  • Developmental delay in young children
  • Malpositions of the body
  • Eye defects in the family
  • Squinting of the eyes
  • School problems

But also hint signs like:

  • Rapid fatigue when concentrating
  • Disinclination to paint, reading, dyslexia.
  • Eye rubbing, frequent blinking
  • Tight approach, head tilting, occasional squinting.
  • Headache
  • Permanent restlessness (fidget)

Vision is partly responsible for your child’s performance at school and thus contributes significantly to the later professional and social situation of your child.

The normal vision of your child matures in the first 8 to 10 years of life to its approximately final expression. Only up to this age can the development be positively influenced. In most cases, such disorders remain hidden from parents and often from pediatricians because the visual impairments are cosmetically inconspicuous.

Eye defects are never harmless!

They cause unilateral or bilateral visual impairment and always disorders of binocular spatial vision.

Therefore, every child should be presented to the ophthalmologist and orthoptist for a comprehensive eye examination as early as possible!

All examinations and curative procedures are completely painless and are always well accepted by the children or adolescents.