Implant filling | Breast augmentation with implant insert

Implant filling

Liquid silicone gel, dimensionally stable (cohesive) silicone gel or a saline filling can be considered as implant fillings. In Europe, the dimensionally stable silicone gel is preferred because it is inexpensive and cannot leak due to its dimensional stability. Implants with liquid silicone gel filling are hardly used nowadays, as the risk of leakage is high and this in turn can cause damage to the body.

In the USA, implants with saline filling are mainly used. These rarely leak and have a very low health risk if they do leak. However, in contrast to silicone gel fillings, they have an unnatural sense of touch. In the meantime, there have also been implants with soya oil and hydrogel fillings, but these were withdrawn from the market due to the side effects.

Durability of the implants

In the eighties, when implants with liquid silicone gel filling were still used, it was common practice to change the implants every ten years. Due to the now improved implant shapes, covers and fillings, some manufacturers even guarantee the lifelong durability of the implants. However, since the displacement of the implants or the change in shape of the breast should also be taken into account, a limited durability should be assumed.

In conclusion, however, it should be noted that most patients change implants not for medical or health reasons, but because they want to change the size of their breasts. You can find an overview of all gynaecological topics under Gynaecology A-Z. – Breast Cancer

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