Aim for normal weight! Determination of BMI (body mass index, body mass index) or body composition by means of electrical impedance analysis and, if necessary, participation in a medically supervised weight loss program.
Radiosynoviorthesis (RSO, from radioactive isotope, synovial joint mucosa, orthosis restoration; RSO for short) is one of the nuclear medicine procedures used therapeutically in rheumatology and orthopedics for the treatment of chronic inflammatory joint diseases. The restoration of the synovium is based on the use of beta-emitters (radionucleotides). Beta radiation is an ionizing radiation that occurs during a radioactive decay, beta decay. These radionuclides are applied into the joint cavity so that an existing inflammatory process can be inhibited (stopped). The use of the procedure is thus an alternative to surgical removal of the synovium (synovial membrane) and is considered a suitable paintherapy.