Iron Deficiency Test

Among all deficiency symptoms, iron deficiency is one of the most common forms. In general, it can be assumed that about 30% of the population suffers from iron deficiency at least once in their lives, despite having sufficient iron sources. Young women and expectant mothers are particularly often affected by iron deficiency.

The reason for this is the fact that iron in the organism is mainly used to form red blood cells (erythrocytes). During the monthly menstrual period, young women lose comparatively large quantities of these blood cells, which have to be replaced by the organism. In addition, the iron requirement increases many times over during pregnancy and can hardly be compensated by food intake.

As a result, affected women often develop a pronounced iron deficiency. The effects of this iron deficiency are usually not immediately apparent, but creep in over time. Special tests can help to quickly indicate iron deficiency and shorten the time until treatment begins.

Iron Deficiency Test

A pronounced iron deficiency can affect the normal processes of the organism in many ways. For this reason, an existing iron deficiency should be identified and treated as such as soon as possible. Various tests, which can either be carried out online, purchased from the pharmacy or arranged with the doctor, should help to detect an iron deficiency quickly and specifically.

Persons who suspect that they suffer from iron deficiency due to physical complaints can use special online iron deficiency tests to check whether the perceived symptoms match an iron deficiency. In this test, various questions are asked regarding lifestyle habits and an individual risk is calculated based on the data entered. The typical iron deficiency test asks, for example, whether the test person belongs to one of the risk groups.

Especially children and adolescents, young women, expectant mothers, senior citizens, endurance and competitive athletes, blood donors, vegetarians and vegans are among the classic risk groups. In addition, such an iron deficiency test asks whether drugs that can lower the iron content in the blood (for example salicylates, deacidifying stomach remedies or lipid reducers) are being taken. The symptoms perceived by the test person also play a decisive role in the online iron deficiency test. Pronounced iron deficiency quickly leads to fatigue or concentration problems, susceptibility to infections, headaches, sensitivity to cold, palpitations, dizziness, shortness of breath, forgetfulness and paleness. In case of a positive test result, it should be urgently checked whether an iron deficiency is actually present.