Irritable Bowel: Causes

It is still not clear how irritable bowel syndrome develops. Scientists suspect that impaired intestinal motility and hypersensitivity of the gastrointestinal tract interact in the disease irritable bowel syndrome. As a result of the sluggish musculature and its lack of coordination, both food mush and intestinal gases are delayed and then transported again at an accelerated rate, which can result in symptoms such as a feeling of pressure and fullness, flatulence and constipation alternating with diarrhea. What, in turn, causes these symptoms is unclear.

Irritable bowel syndrome: causes unclear

Changes in the intestinal immune system and nerve transmission as a result of an intestinal infection are discussed. It is possible that inflammation triggered by this leads to an imbalance of the intestinal flora (dysbiosis). In addition, nerve impulses from the gastrointestinal tract seem to be incorrectly transmitted or processed in the brain.

A conspicuous feature is the increased sensitivity to pain in the area of the intestine: Normal nerve stimuli such as stretching of the intestines are already interpreted as pain – which explains why cramp-like abdominal pain or an unpleasant feeling of fullness occur especially after eating. Presumably, other causes are added or can aggravate symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome.

Other possible causes of irritable bowel syndrome

Other possible causes of irritable bowel include intolerance to certain foods (especially carbohydrates, particularly lactose) and allergies, and often the consumption of coffee, alcohol, or cigarettes. Stress factors and other psychological burdens that “hit the stomach,” the constant feeling of being overwhelmed and the inability to express feelings, also seem to favor the development of irritable bowel syndrome.

Conversely, a long-standing irritable bowel syndrome can in turn cause psychological complaints. Irritable bowel syndrome occurs more frequently in anxiety disorders or depression. Excessive colonization with intestinal fungi (Candida) is also often held responsible – however, the connection has not yet been scientifically proven.