Is it allowed to have sex with an epididymitis? | Epididymitis

Is it allowed to have sex with an epididymitis?

Basically, you may have sexual intercourse during epididymitis. In most cases, however, pain may occur during sexual intercourse, even if the inflammation is treated. In this case you should consult your urologist.

Is an epididymitis contagious for the woman?

Epididymitis is contagious for women. The bacteria (e.g. Clamydia) can be transmitted during sexual intercourse and can cause inflammation of the urethra or genital tract in women. You should use condoms during sexual intercourse to avoid infection with sexually transmitted pathogens.

Is it allowed to do sports during an epididymitis?

During an epididymitis you should avoid physical exertion and sports that cause irritation and stretching of the testicles. Discuss with your doctor when you can start again with sports activities.

Epididymitis as a complication of vasectomy/sterilization

In vasectomy, the vas deferens is surgically interrupted to achieve permanent infertility. This prevents the sperm from reaching the outside of the urethra. The potency of the man remains intact.

After the operation, complications can occur despite the greatest care. One complication after a vasectomy is epididymitis. This occurs in 0.55% of cases. This complication is significantly increased by previous illnesses. The inflammation sounds in most cases by taking antibiotics and cooling compresses.

Epididymitis after inguinal hernia surgery

After inguinal hernia surgery, in addition to a temporary unilateral swelling of the testis, epididymitis can also occur. An infection with bacteria can spread to the testicles via the inguinal canal and cause inflammation. There is severe pain in the area of the epididymis. You should immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe an antibiotic for the inflammation. Painkillers can be taken against the pain.

How long is one incapacitated with epididymitis?

How long one is incapacitated for work with an epididymitis depends on the healing process and is individually different. It can take up to 6 weeks until one is completely healthy again.


In order to prevent epididymitis, the respective causes for the development of the disease must be avoided. An infection with sexually transmitted pathogens can be avoided by using a condom during sexual intercourse. In children, good hygiene of the genital region should be ensured to prevent infection.Sports and physical activities that cause irritation and stretching of the testicles should be avoided if possible