How do I recognize plantar fasciitis? | Pain on the sole of the foot

How do I recognize plantar fasciitis?

The plantar fascia is a connective tissue layer whose function is to guide the muscle tendons of the foot and to build up the stability of the transverse and longitudinal arch. In the case of fascitiis, there is chronic irritation of this fascia, which results in pain in the foot area. Runners and people who have to stand a lot at work are particularly affected.

The pain manifests itself mainly on the inner side of the sole of the foot up to the heel, which is particularly noticeable after prolonged periods of rest under stress. Patients often report pain when lifting the foot. To reduce the pain, the affected patients often walk on their toes, as pressure on the heel causes severe pain.

Can stretching help?

Stretching exercises can help reduce muscle shortening and increase stability in the ankle and plantar fascia. Stretching exercises also release tension and increase the ability to regenerate. If there is already pain in the sole of the foot, the foot can be rolled on a table tennis ball or similar ball for 2-3 minutes.

This loosens the fascia on the sole of the foot. In addition, pulling the toes together can cause a stretch in the sole of the foot. Using a Terraband or seeing a physiotherapist can also be helpful in finding the right exercises for a plantar fascia.