Jogging is Healthy Even in Subzero Temperatures

Those who do not exercise in winter often feel listless and unbalanced. Yet there are many ways to exercise even in the cold season – be it skating, jogging, swimming or working out at the gym. “Regular exercise not only prevents or helps get rid of love handles. Properly dosed exercise also strengthens the heart and respiratory system, strengthens muscles and joints, and gets the circulation going,” says Dr. Christiane Roick, a physician with the AOK National Association.

Sport strengthens the heart and circulation

Tobogganing, ice skating, snowball fights – the cold season in particular invites people to these pleasures. Skiing and snowboarding are also popular. Before you race down the slopes, however, you should get fit with the help of ski gymnastics. If you want to improve your physical condition, cross-country skiing is a good choice. This is a great way to work up a sweat, even in sub-zero temperatures.

A long winter walk with the family is also a good way to get moving and to get a little light in the dark season. Even if there’s no snow, it’s still good to get outside in the winter.

If you’re used to exercising outdoors, you can usually do so during the cold season – jogging or walking, for example. “When doing this, it’s best to breathe through your nose. This preheats the air and protects the bronchial tubes,” advises Dr. Roick. An optimal winter sport is Nordic walking – the upper body is trained at the same time and there is less danger than with jogging of slipping on wet or icy floors.

Start slowly

“Patients with asthma should ask their doctor for advice before running, however, as physical exertion in the cold dry winter air can trigger an attack,” Roick says. Untrained people should start slowly and increase step by step. But even trained people should be careful not to jog or walk too fast. If you can still talk while you’re running, you’re usually going at the right pace.

A heart rate monitor, which should be set by a professional, can also be helpful. “Warm up before running, as the muscles have poorer blood circulation when cold and are therefore more sluggish,” recommends doctor Roick. So you can walk up and down a little faster before exercising indoors. Before and after exercise, you can also stretch the muscles with special exercises.

Dress according to the “onion principle”

The be-all and end-all of outdoor endurance sports is to dress properly. Outdoor athletes should wear headgear and breathable, windproof and rain-repellent clothing – preferably according to the “onion principle” with several layers on top of each other. Cotton clothing is less suitable because it retains sweat and you cool down quickly. To avoid slipping, good running shoes with non-slip soles are recommended. Athletes should also not forget to drink in winter. Well suited thirst quenchers before and after training are mineral water and juice spritzers strongly diluted with water.

Swimming or sports in the hall

Who is not drawn to the outdoors in dirty weather or ice and snow, can also be active indoors: Indoor sports like squash, handball and badminton will make you sweat even in winter. Climbers can prepare for the next outdoor season on exercise walls. Equally good for fitness is regular training in the gym or indoor pool. “Swimming is easy on the joints and is therefore also recommended for overweight people,” says Roick.

For those who find it difficult to motivate themselves to exercise alone on dark evenings, team sports such as volleyball, field hockey or basketball are good options. Not only is the focus on exercise, but there’s also the opportunity to meet new people.