Kijimea® Irritable Bowel Capsules | Household remedy against flatulence

Kijimea® Irritable Bowel Capsules

Kijimea® irritable bowel capsules contain probiotic bacteria to build up the intestinal flora. The capsules from the pharmacy are said to increase the body’s defenses and counteract digestive problems such as diarrhea, constipation and flatulence. This probiotic can be taken if flatulence occurs frequently and is perceived as particularly annoying and unpleasant.

The product is especially recommended for people with irritable bowel syndrome who have a sensitive gastrointestinal tract. However, to relieve flatulence, the capsules must be taken regularly over a longer period of time. This means that the Kijimea® irritable bowel capsules do not help acute flatulence.


Flatulence can affect both the stomach and the intestines. Often painful tensions occur with the flatulence, sometimes even abdominal cramps. Heat has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Heat can relieve tension and thus reduce flatulence. There are various ways to bring heat to the stomach, for example a hot water bottle, electric blanket or a grain pillow. If nothing is available, a warm and humid washcloth is just as suitable.