Kinesio Tape: Effects & Application

What is taping?

The term Kinesio-Tape is short for “Kinesiology Tape”. Its application, taping, dates back to Kenzo Kase, a Japanese chiropractor who used stretchy bandages to treat aching joints and muscles in the early 1970s.

Because Kinesio tape is fixed to the skin, movements move the skin against the underlying tissue. This constant stimulus is said to regulate muscle tension (toning) by activating various receptors and triggering signal transmission to the central nervous system. In addition to touch receptors, these receptors include pain receptors, temperature receptors and receptors that tell the body where the extremities are in space, for example (proprioceptors).

Kenzo Kase additionally assumed that the Kinesio tape was also able to stimulate various acupuncture points. Thereby, disturbances of the energy channels (meridians), which, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, run through our body, should be eliminated.

The ultimate goal of any treatment using Kinesio-Tape is to activate and support the body’s self-healing powers.

The word “Kinesio-Tape” is the abbreviation for kinesiology tape. Other names are physio tape, sports tape, muscle tape or medical tape.

Similar to human skin, kinesio tape can be stretched by approximately 30 to 40 percent.

None of the above-mentioned mechanisms of action could be experimentally proven so far. Thus, their specific effectiveness has not been clearly proven by studies. The method can at best complement, but not replace, conventional medical treatment.

What is the benefit of taping?

  • Muscle injuries (pain, strains, overuse, inflammation, fiber tears, …)
  • Joint injuries (pain, overuse, inflammation, swelling, instability, …)
  • Ligament injuries (pain, strain, inflammation, torn ligaments, …)
  • Migraine
  • Water retention (edema)

Especially in the case of sports injuries, Kinesio-Tape is often used to protect the joints due to its supportive component. Medium-sized joints such as ankle, knee and elbow joints are very often taped after injuries or in case of arthrosis. Also popular is the therapy of back pain, for example, with tension or instability by means of kinesio tape.

How to apply a kinesio tape?

Depending on the indication, the affected muscle, joint or ligament must be placed in a specific position. The skin should be free from infection and wounds, as well as dry and clean. First, cut the kinesio tape into the right length and round the corners so that it adheres better to the skin. Then it is rubbed warmly with the hands, so that the adhesive develops its effect.

After peeling off the backing film, the Physio-Tape is applied. Care must be taken to ensure that it does not wrinkle and is not stretched too much or too little. This is to prevent the tape from hindering the body area during movements or the supporting component is not given.

In the beginning, Kenzo Kase worked only with skin-colored tapes. Later he used dark colors when the temperature under the kinesio tape should be increased and light colors when the temperature under the tape should be decreased.

Today there are very different kinesio tape colors. Meaning and mode of action seem to be based on the Chinese color theory. Most manufacturers attribute a cooling and pain-relieving effect to blue kinesio tape, while red kinesio tape stimulates the metabolism.

In general, you should choose the color that gives you the best effect.

What are the risks of kinesio tape?

The effect of the Kinesio tape should mainly unfold through proper use. Improper fixation of the tape to the skin can also lead to swelling and restricted movement.

However, such side effects are extreme, so the kinesio tape is a very safe and low-risk treatment method.

Do not apply physio tape to open wounds or infections of the skin.

What do I have to pay attention to with a Kinesio-Tape?

After applying the kinesio tape, you should regularly check if you feel any pain, if the extremity throbs, tingles or feels numb, if you can move anything or if the skin is cold, blue or pale. Seek medical attention if you are unclear. This is true even if your symptoms do not improve or get worse.

Be sure to point out to your doctor if you have a patch allergy, because in this case an anti-allergenic kinesio tape must be used.

Excessive irritation of the skin is usually manifested by itching and redness. In this case, remove the kinesio tape immediately.

If the kinesio tape cannot be removed from the skin without pain, a special tape remover is recommended.