Late effects after irradiation of the bladder | Late effects after irradiation

Late effects after irradiation of the bladder

After irradiation of the bladder, various late effects are possible. In most cases the function of emptying the bladder is disturbed. Two different courses are possible.

In some people, an uncontrolled leakage of urine (incontinence) occurs as a late consequence. On the contrary, the late consequence of radiation therapy can also lead to the bladder no longer being able to be emptied or only with difficulty. This affects more and more men, whereby the prostate must always be examined for enlargement.

If the bladder cannot be emptied or cannot be emptied completely, this often leads to infections of the urinary tract, which can also ascend to the kidneys and thus become dangerous. As a late consequence of an irradiation of the bladder, it may ultimately be necessary to apply a permanent bladder catheter via the abdominal wall and to change it regularly. Do you have concerns about having a urinary tract infection?